Legal Notice

Tharsis Supermercados, with VAT number [VAT NUMBER] and registered address at [STORE ADDRESS], holds the industrial property rights and intellectual property rights over the images, texts, designs, animations, or any other content or elements of this website, and has the necessary permissions for their use. Any act of reproduction, distribution, public communication, provision, or transformation, as well as any other form of exploitation of all or part of said contents or elements, carried out under any form or by any means, will require the prior written consent of Tharsis Supermercados.
Access to the website implies unconditional acceptance of these general terms of use, and if you do not agree with them, you should refrain from accessing the page or using the services provided through it.
The conditions of access and use of this website are governed by the principles of legality and good faith, and the User agrees to use the website, as well as the information or services provided, in accordance with the Law, morals, good customs, and public order.

Intellectual Property Rights

The website of Tharsis Supermercados, its contents, and intellectual property rights, as well as the programming and design of the website, are fully protected by copyright, and their reproduction, communication, disclosure, and distribution are prohibited unless prior authorization is obtained.
The distinctive signs appearing on the website belong to Tharsis Supermercados or third parties whose use has been previously authorized. In both cases, they are duly registered, and their reproduction or distribution under any means is prohibited without the proper, prior, and express authorization of the owner.
Tharsis Supermercados may make modifications to the content of this website without prior notice, both regarding the information of its services, as it expands and improves its offer, and concerning any other element that is part of it.


The possible links and contents of third-party websites that can be accessed from this website are not the responsibility of Tharsis Supermercados, and it cannot guarantee that they are accurate at the time of user access.


Under no circumstances will Tharsis Supermercados be liable for any type of damage that Users or third parties may cause on the website.

Applicable Law and Jurisdiction

These general conditions are governed by Spanish law. For any dispute or litigation, the Courts of [AUTONOMOUS COMMUNITY] will have jurisdiction, with the express waiver of the parties to any other jurisdiction.